Resolutions Ballin-Out Part 2 – TGrip Workout

Getting right into the workout today


  1. Neck Rotations – 10 each side
  2. Side stretch – 20 seconds each side
  3. Shoulder rolls – 10
  4. ITW – 20 sec each
  5. Warrior I – 20 seconds holding ITS – Each Side
  6. Warrior II – 20 external shoulder rotations – Each side
  7. Hamstring stretch – 20 seconds
  8. Round Back Tables – 10 reps
  9. Downward Dog – 30 seconds
  10. Cat/Cow – 10 reps
  11. Cobra – 20 seconds
  12. Downward Dog – 30 seconds
  13. Warrior I – ITW 20 seconds each, each side
  14. Warrior II – 20 External shoulder rotations – Each side


  1. TGrip Suspension Squat & Row – 3 sets 15 reps
  2. TGrip Suspension Push-Ups -3 sets 10 reps
  3. Squat – 3 sets 10 reps
  4. Plank – 3 sets 30 seconds
  5. TGrip MAX Band Triceps Pressdowns – 3 sets 10 reps – 57lbs
  6. TGrip MAX Band High Curls to Forehead – 3 sets 10 reps 57lbs

Cool Down

  1. Warrior 1 – 20 seconds each holding ITW – Each Side
  2. Warrior II – 20 Shoulder External Rotations – Each Side
  3. Round Back Tables – 10 reps
  4. Downward Dog – 30 seconds
  5. Cobra – 30 seconds
  6. Downward Dog – 30 seconds
  7. Neck Rotations – 10 each side
  8. Shoulder rolls – 10
  9. Side Stretch – 30 seconds each side


I did the workout as a circuit. Today felt really good. This is going well, and I really love the TGrip bar and the TGrip MAX. These are great bars and really help make this process easier.

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